Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Prayer Requests and Needs:

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for and interest amongst the people for a Sunday night service.
2. Pray for our Children's ministry starting 4/7 at 6pm.
3. Pray for a gentleman who used to be a licensed minister with out Church who has been attending.
4. Pray for us as we try to adjust to the weather without air condition.
5. Pray for our oven that isn't working properly.

Thank you -

Mrs. Donna Lutton for heading up the project for ceiling fans and raising sufficient funds to purchase them.  Thank you to every person who was involved in this.  These fans will be a blessing!!


1. Many maintenance needs have arisen with house and Church not being maintained for several years. Cracked glass, termites, plaster and concrete repairs.
2. Across the Island as we meet people, most if not all strongly urge us to have some form of Air Condition for the summer months.  Recently, an Air Condition project was approved stateside.  The most energy efficient form of A/C is a Mini-split system A/C.  We need at least $4,000 for the house and 4,000 for the Church.  Help us in praying earnestly for and A/C system for the house!!

Goodbye and hello!